Monday, March 7, 2016

EMAA Summer Writing & Illustration Contest 2016

EMAA Summer Writing & Illustration Contest

Submission Guidelines: 
  • Submissions must be turned in by midnight on July 31st, 2016 
  • Margins should be one inch and font should be 12 point Times New Roman 
  • Stories can be written in any genre (fiction, nonfiction, fantasy etc) 
  • Stories should be 7,500 words or less 
  • No fan fiction (using characters or story plots from movies, books, etc) 
  • Include a cover sheet with each story stating: name, address, and age group 
  • Do NOT put your name or any other personal information on the story itself
  • Print off, sign, and send in contract (found below) with entry. This contract will allow us to print the winning entries in our anthology, while you keep the rights to your piece

Please keep stories family friendly.

THEME for all ages

A brilliant flash lit the night sky . . .

Entries can be submitted to

Submissions for Illustrating Contest

  • Submissions must be turned in by Midnight on July 31st, 2016
  • SCAN your entry. Photographs of your work will not be permitted. 
  • 300 dpi is preferred for illustrations.
  • Include a cover sheet with each illustration stating: Name, address, and age group.
  • Make sure if you send it by Google drive, you "share" it instead of sending the link. It won't work otherwise.
  • Do NOT put your name or any other personal information on the illustration itself.
  • Print off, sign, and send in contract (found below) with entry. This contract will allow us to print the winning entries in our anthology, while you keep the rights to your piece.

Please keep illustrations family friendly.


A brilliant flash lit the night sky . . .

Winners will be announced at our writer's workshop in August and they will have their stories/pictures published in our very own book!

Entries can be submitted to

Breakdown for age groups will be as follows:

1-2nd grade

3-4th grade

5-6th grade

7-8th grade

9-10th grade

11-12th grade

18 years old and up

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