Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Introducing the Eagle Mountain Arts Alliance!

We would like to introduce you to the Eagle Mountain Arts Alliance. We are a group of citizens that want to bring more arts and culture to the city of Eagle Mountain. We are fortunate to have many great events that happen in this city all the time and we want to make sure they're highlighted so everyone is aware of when they occur.

Our goal for the future is to have a center where we can have theater, dance, music, art, and literature housed all together. For now, we will concentrate on starting with smaller programs.

Did you know there are several different theater groups here already? Did you know there are concerts and plays also going on as well? We want to make sure that people are aware of each of these events and have the opportunity to participate. We also want to provide new ways to participate, such as writing contests, art contests, concerts, and so on.

If you would like to be involved, please let us know. If you have expertise that you feel would help our city grow and become and enriched in the cultural arts, please contact us at eaglemountainarts@gmail.com and send us a bio and a small description of your experience.

We will be meeting again in August to discuss plans, come up with goals, and begin making a calendar of events, and create a directory of arts organizations in the area. Again, if you would like to participate, email the address above. 

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